Whether your wedding is classic or cool, black tie or beach, find your style and walk that aisle with pride:


Suit it up!


Wear a high quality suit instead of hiring one off the rack for the day – you will not go unnoticed by anyone and will have made an invaluable addition to your wardrobe




Camera, ACTION….


Having the photographer take photos prior to the ceremony is becoming very popular and definitely worth doing; so get those special socks, cuff-links and ties captured in the moment…






A morning suit is timeless and remains fashionable for the Classique church ceremony.  During a day wedding rather opt for a brown or grey suit rather than black, and add a bit of colour with accessories. And what guy doesn’t look good in a tux – still the best option for an evening wedding.

Ensure that you have the perfect socks for your suit, don’t forget your cuff-links and make sure you pay a visit to the barber or hairdresser; might not be such a bad idea to have a mini manicure the day before for that all-important ring finger as well…




Then accessorise…


Pocket square – not everything needs to match your tie, have your pocket square in a different colour to complement your overall look
Bow tie – learn how to tie your own, everybody notices a clip-on…
Your watch – get rid of the dated digital, analogue is the way forward. If not, at the very least change the strap…
That shirt – make sure it’s good quality cotton, thicker cotton looks crisp and fresh for longer