Hi Marius


I finally have managed to get some time and express my sincere thank you for pulling everything together on our wedding day.


It was absolutely amazing and people are still talking about it a week or so later. Since day one back in January or February, I think, we have walked this journey together, planning and brainstorming ideas, and you have been very helpful and extremely patient – lol – and we appreciate that more than you know. There were ups and downs, but definitely more ups throughout this year, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Everything I had ever hoped or imagined my wedding to be, IT WAS; and even more!! You truly exceeded my expectations.


All the phone calls, meetings and emails and texts brought me the most AMAZING day ever!!! I wish I could relive that day over and over and over again!! All the service providers pulled through and produced an excellent job.


The food was amazing and the dessert was divine (although I didn’t have much). The flowers: Judy… WOW WOW WOW (big hugs)!!!!!! The décor was on point. Literally how I always dreamed it would be. The artists were awesome, I couldn’t get off that dance floor, I am sure you noticed that hehehe. My beautiful cake looked absolutely amazing The lighting, the sound oh my word I could go on and on it was all top class and professional. I knew when I came across your website in January 2014 that you were the one… I told Jade, I just feel it.


I must also say that Gina was absolutely amazing. Please convey this to her. As professional as she was, she made the girls feel so comfortable and she was just the best!!! What a lovely person.


Jade is blown away just as much as I am and says that you really outdid yourself and the level of professionalism showed in all that was done and set up on the 6th December. Our families are so impressed and my mom, as you know, loved everything and cannot stop posting pics. I cannot wait to see Christiaan’s photos!! I know they will be great.

We appreciate you and want to say how very thankful we are that you walked this path with us. We wouldn’t have done it any other way. You are the best, my bok.

I hope that this was one of the first events that you will be a part of. Lol. Not only were you my wedding planner throughout this year, but you gave me a sense of calm when I was stressed; you made me laugh through it all.

Even when things got a little tough, you stayed and said don’t worry we will work it out… You became my friend. An amazing guy you are, and never change.


Thank you, Marius


Love Shilinia and Jade Orren x

View Shilinia & Jades Wedding Gallery